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"i used to think love wasn`t worth fighting for, but when it became REAL i was ready for war."

are like Sports Associations such as the NFL; NBA; or MLB..

We all start out as Minors in relationships; we dont expect to go to the Major Leagues within the first couple days or even weeks. Often We take the relationship for granted because we have our doubts because of history as well as our abilities and performance levels. All too often do we let these imperfections and flaws get the best of us, and we make mistakes:


It's a selfish, greedy and egotistical play.

But when your a minor in the game you want to hog the ball or give your skills exposure. But all too often you fail to realize your not being a team-player and you end up taking the L for yourself and ultimately your team-mate (boyfriend or girlfriend) and the team falls apart.

However There Is No [i] IN TEAM as we've all heard before.

If Your Truly In It 2 Win It: Defend your Team-mate through all there fumbles, Strike-Outs & Fouls... Because we all strive for perfection and it's always someone or something battling us on the court/field. And it's harder for some of us then others because we aren't all pro's. And A Win Is So Much Better Then A Lost. So Please for The Sake of Love Dont Allow The Rival Team to take your Well Deserved Victory. =)

** this is a short entry because it was hard for me to speak on both sides of the issue. & my apologies if it isn't well-written. I scrambled to peice it all together.


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