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It's been quite a while since I last wrote. I`m not the me I use to be. A part of me will always be the same person but my heart has been healed. My mind has been altered. My thoughts have been revamped and my LIFE has been reconstructed. The majority of these things happened within the past year. I went through some unbelievable shit to only be 22 years old. Shit that completely broke me down. I'll eventually share some things because although it nearly ended my life it was something that encouraged me to live a better life and i think those types of things should be shared with the world. Since then I've changed my ways, although every now and then I do find myself meddling with old habits. However Rome wasn't built in a day, so in due time I'll get it right. I want this blog to be a release therapy as I continue to grow and evolve into the person i`m meant to be. Most importantly I want my troubles, struggles, battles and pain to benefit someone reading to know that you aren't alone out here. Just as I want my happiness, joy, triumphs and victories to encourage and inspire. Everyone in this entire world has a reason for being, and I want to learn from (as well as teach) any and everyone that crosses my path. They don't teach humanity (the quality or condition of being human; human naturein school. It's something we have to be taught usually after LIFE has already kicked us in the ass.  As I learn more about life as well as things I've already learned I will share them on here. The most important thing to remember is feelings are never constant. Today as I write this I feel extremely optimistic, I can't promise I'll feel the same way tomorrow. So If I do abandon this blog for a week or two it's probably because I'm trying to regroup and refocus on the essential elements of life.  

The Blueprint of my blog will focus on:

Individuality. (What this concept means and Learning and understanding that no one is like you so you don't owe any explanations and you only have to answer to yourself. Most importantly embracing every single aspect about yourself be it good or bad.) --- A lot of us are lost. This is to help find yourself.

Depression. (How difficult it is to avoid  but most importantly how to defeat it.) - Rather we accept it or not is up to us, I've discussed this issue with a few friends from high school and it's devastating how REAL it REALLY is. It's just not talked about enough so people over-look in rather than dealing with it.

Addiction. (This subject covers a ton of shit.) You can be addicted to anything from a drug to an emotion. It's important to be aware of all the kind of addictions that exist and how to control them.

Self-Improvement. (Working towards being the Person you were meant to be, NOT the person circumstances limit you to be) -  Everything we are is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. Just as everything we are not is a direction reflection of everything we have the power to be.

Mind-Control (no Illuminati)- Learning to control your thoughts. It's so easy to commit thought suicide every day, multiple times a day. One negative thought leads to another and so on. It's a never-ending cycle. I'm going to share ways to stop allowing your thoughts to ru(i)n your life.

and my favorite....

Solutions for making this world... YOUR WORLD into a BETTER PLACE. - (the things that don't make it on your local or national news.) - Spreading awareness of things we should be aware of but are brainwashed about because of the Media & Society.

I don't mean to get religious or anything but it's an undeniable fact that humans were all created by the same creator. It would only make sense to help individuals that are just as rare, unique and distinctive as you to maintain, cope and deal with life. I'm not a citizen of the United States. I'm a citizen of the earth so religious affiliation, race, nationality, etc don't exist in my world... but I'll go more in depth with that in future post.

Basically I'm here for the betterment of mankind and society. Things are so screwed up that people don't even realize it. We've been trained to work and get by. We fail to make an IMPACT on not just our lives but the lives of others. Somewhere along this life experience we're suppose to focus on the things that will empower us and grant us the peace of mind, happiness and success we all so rightfully deserve. You can't learn this in any curriculum. Life teaches you this. I'm going to try and assist life in teaching you this. 

Let me LIVE. 
I don't want anyone to misunderstand where I'm coming from with this. I'm not doing this to try and preach or get people to live their lives through the eyes of mine... Like i said before we're all distinct individuals. However I do wish for everyone to live the best life possible. I went through hell to get to where I'm at and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I want to share all of the amazing thing's I've learned and experienced in such a short amount of time. I can truly say I'm satisfied with the life I'm living now because it's NOT PERFECT but I know that it can always be a million times worst. I've read some incredible books that are my main source of knowledge about the things I'll discuss on here, in hopes you will read them to. I just want to spread this feeling. It kills me that so many people I went to school with are so unhappy with their lives at such young ages, this is for them. This is for the all the lost souls. This is for the people that think they are trapped or stuck . This is for the exhausted and weak as well as the strong and brave. This is for me and anyone else that can benefit from it.



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