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BALANCE: an even distribution of energy enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

It's been exactly 3 months since I've publicly written . In the missed time I've been doing some soul searching, soul recovering and soul spoiling. When I say soul [searching], I'm referring to searching for more wisdom and truth from what I've already been so enriched with within this short but precious lifetime of mines. The soul recovering I speak of is in reference to the refocus, and revamping of my purpose I've been diligently working on since-- what felt like the Coldest Winter Ever ended. Saving the best for last, the soul spoiling I mentioned was said modestly yet wholeheartedly in regards to the decisions, power moves, and progress I've made with awareness, peace and love; which has entirely been a motivating factor in bringing me closer to GOD, UNIVERSE, SPIRIT, HEAVEN, PEACE, LOVE, etc. than I've ever been before.

I'll keep it real because we all deserve REAL:

This past winter after returning from Africa, I never really readjusted to the life I knew before my life experience in my home of homes, Ghana. I know I've stressed this over and over again in past post but I can't emphasize enough how much that experience blessed my entire world in ways I could have never imagined. All the money in the world couldn't buy the blessings I received within those 2 weeks. 

Then, after about a month in a half back in amerika,  it was as if all the bad things that take place in society became more apparent to me little by little within the following  long, strenuous, complex yet extremely knowledgeable and motivational, months of snow, below freezing temperatures, and the worst of all struggle and self-doubt.

I've lost parts of me and found parts of me since my last post. Fortunately for me, those parts I've found are far more greater than the pieces of me I've misplaced. Kindness for example. It comes natural to me a lot more now than it did before I became spiritually connected with myself, the Universe-- and since the last time I wrote, now that I think about it. Some changes have been taking place in me that I'm proud of; Changes that I'm constantly reminded of by the Angel's I've encountered on this journey.

I'm learning the significance of BALANCE in all things:

balance of LOVE:  Don't over-love. Let it come natural. If you feel like you're loving hard, it's not being done right. We should radiate love. Be love. Do all things in love. If it feels like it's a job or a duty take a step back and be sure your love is kind, unselfish and free of any attachment. Don't forget their is a thin line between love and hate. The evils of this world will often distract you from this acknowledgement. When love is balanced the only emotions or feelings it can radiate is that of happiness.

balance of MONEY: Kanye West said it best "We'll buy a lot of clothes when we don't really need em Things we buy to cover up what's inside, Cause they make us hate ourself and love they wealth". A lot of us [especially single men and women] irresponsibly spend tons of money on materialistic things. Things that don't directly influence long-term happiness and mistakenly convince us that we are in need of it. Leaving us reliant on distractions from truly living life. Balance of money is realizing the most important things in life don't have price tags because their priceless. Spend your money on things that give you a sigh of relief or a sigh of joy. Rather it's paying off an old debt, or purchasing a plane ticket to discover a new part of the world. That relief and joy makes for better days to come. 

balance of SELFISHNESS: Do whats best for you, as long as it's for a good cause. Don't make final decisions out of spite, jealousy or anger. These are all unhealthy and negative feelings that eventually pass. Balance them out with peace, faith and understanding. The most important being understanding; Understand your emotions and your feelings. Without doing so, (d)evil will lure you into believing "Doing You" is an acceptable reason for making petty judgement's and negative decisions that will hurt in the long run and stunt our emotional and spiritual growth . Being selfish in the good kind of way produces power moves, success and satisfaction in all aspects of life. Rather it's in your workplace, relationship or household. It's good to look out for yourself, the bigger picture of yourself. 

balance of KINDNESS: The balance of selfishness and selflessness can be associated with Kindness. Give your services to those for your own personal self-fulfillment as well as for the betterment of society but don't be too kind; It hinders the growth, potential and leadership of another individual. When kindness is limitless it's easy to confuse it with enabling. We often do this to those closest to our hearts, be it a spouse, best friend or child. Be kind enough to let those individuals live their life without unhealthy "kind" attachments. Being over-generous to some provides them a comfort that interferes with achieving their individual greatness. Let the balance of kindness provide them with light to shine, not shade from your shadow.

balance of STIMULATION:  To overstimulate something, you are arousing or working with it at such a high level or intensity that it is excessive and perhaps damaging. Comparatively sexual stimulation and mental stimulation are hardly ever balanced in the society we live in. The mind, body and spirit should be equally stimulated in order to produce a healthy relationship. The act of sex or making love as I prefer to call it with should satisfy the body on the same level it satisfies the mind and spirit if it's done right-- if it's balanced. Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.

balance of PASSION: Be passionate in everything you do. Love passionately, work passionately, and live passionately. You should be completely in or all the way out when choosing how to spend your time living your life. Living a life that lacks passion, will result in a life of indecision and displeasure. A lot of times lack of passion will distract us from living in the moment, always looking to the past and future for a satisfaction that never comes. Unless it's mad passionate or extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in society; your life should not be one of them.

balance of RESPONSIBILITY: Handle your responsibilities but don't let your responsibilities handle you. Although it might cause difficulty now, take care of things that will make life easier in the long run. Balance your responsibilities to the point where they don't even feel like responsibilities anymore, just task or duties. D(evil) has snared us into believing procrastination is acceptable, so it's become a bad habit formed in the amerikan school system that rolls over into our lifestyles. When off balance of our responsibilities, our lives get out of order and we tend to drift. It's a shame to wait until tomorrow.

Winter, Spring and Summer individually taught me a valuable lesson on Balance. I would never be able to fully appreciate the good and holy in my life without the bad trials I've stood witness to. It's all a balance. Life is the ultimate balance. I'm the ultimate balance. I've bent many times, but never broke, and every single day I fill more and more in-destructible. Until next time...

spread world PEACE,
 be sure to LOVE yourself,
and I wish you endless HAPPINESS.


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