The one thing i hate the most is saying goodbye. it`s never been easy for me. i mean, how do you approach the concept of goodbye? goodbyes are all different. some are for a day, some are for a month.
but others are forever. and the concept of forever is hard to accept. it`s like hey, i`m never going to see you again, goodbye. it doesn`t feel complete. but i think that`s what goodbyes are. they`re incomplete and you honestly don`t know how long the goodbye will last. it`s a part of life.
---- That's My Heart; He's Been With Me From The Start... It'S Not To Often You Find A Member Of The Opposite Sex That Will Hold You Down & Have Your Back. We Been Together Like Nike Airs && Crisp Tees. And We DOWN for each other like 2 flats on the side of Georgia Ave.. Life Is Bout To Suck Without Him!
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