In recent events, following the murder of Michael Brown, a piece of my peace has been crumbled. Michael Brown, an unarmed, 18 year old college student was scheduled to begin his freshman year at Vatterott College. Unfortunately, he didn't make it to his first day of classes. On August 9th, 2014 Michael was gunned down in the streets of Ferguson Missouri by police officer Darren Wilson. His body left to lay there in the blistering heat for for hours. Wilson, shot his gun at Michael a dozen of times, hitting Brown six times, two in the head. With little to no regard for the human value of Michael Brown the law enforcement officer took the precious, unwritten, young life of a 18 year old teenage boy as if his life had little to no value. This happened. It's been heavily publicized through every single device of mass media, since. The recorded gunshots, multiple stories false accusations, subconscious racism, pictures, endless footage, and a transparent glimpse into t...
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