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Showing posts from March, 2013


It's been quite a while since I last wrote. I`m not the me I use to be. A part of me will always be the same person but my heart has been healed. My mind has been altered. My thoughts have been revamped and my LIFE has been reconstructed. The majority of these things happened within the past year. I went through some unbelievable shit to only be 22 years old. Shit that completely broke me down. I'll eventually share some things because although it nearly ended my life it was something that encouraged me to live a better life and i think those types of things should be shared with the world. Since then I've changed my ways, although every now and then I do find myself meddling with old habits. However Rome wasn't built in a day, so in due time I'll get it right. I want this blog to be a release therapy as I continue to grow and evolve into the person i`m meant to be. Most importantly I want my troubles, struggles, battles and pain to benefit someone reading to know ...